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AOC G2460PF Скачать драйвер / программное обеспечение / руководство пользователя
Номер модели: AOC G2460PF Monitor
Драйвер, программное обеспечение и руководство пользователя
Этот монитор поставляется с программным обеспечением E-saver, Screen + и iMenu от AOC для удобной настройки и навигации.
Руководство пользователя содержит инструкции по установке драйвера и программного обеспечения. Это программное обеспечение обеспечит полную функциональность вашего монитора: AOC G2460PF Monitor
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Для использования любого компьютерного устройства необходимо программное обеспечение (драйвер). Рекомендуется использовать оригинальное программное обеспечение, которое входит в комплект Вашего компьютерного устройства.
Если у Вас нет программного обеспечения, и Вы не можете его найти на веб-сайте производителя компьютерного устройства, то мы поможем Вам. Сообщите нам модель Вашего принтера, сканера, монитора или другого компьютерного устройства, а также версию операционной системы (например: Windows 10, Windows 8 и др.).
Поиск информации об операционной системе в Windows 10
Поиск информации об операционной системе в Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1. Читать далее.
Определение версии macOS, установленной на компьютере Mac (Версию операционной системы компьютера Mac и сведения о ее актуальности можно найти в разделе «Об этом Mac»).
В меню Apple в углу экрана выберите пункт «Об этом Mac». Вы увидите название macOS, например macOS Mojave, и номер версии. Если нужно также узнать номер сборки, для его отображения щелкните номер версии.
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Помощь в подключении и использовании компьютерных устройств, а также в поиске и установке драйверов и другого программного обеспечения. Драйвер – используется для управления подключенным к компьютеру устройством. Драйвер создается производителем устройства и поставляется вместе с ним. Для каждой операционной системы нужны собственные драйверы.
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Copyright © 2021 DriverMaster. Помощь в подключении компьютерных устройств, а также в установке драйверов и другого ПО. Обратная связь
Aoc g2460pf драйвера windows 10
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Korkea virkistystaajuus
Virkistystaajuus osoittaa sen, kuinka monta kuvaa näyttö pystyy tuomaan esille sekunnin aikana. AOC:n mallien 75 hertsistä aina salamannopeaan 240 hertsiin yltävä virkistystaajuus takaa sen, että pelaajat eivät menetä otetta hetkeksikään. Suurempi taajuus merkitsee nopeammin välitettävää kuvaa ja vähemmän viiveitä, mikä antaa pelaajalle enemmän aikaa päättää seuraavasta siirrosta.
Erittäin laajat Ultrawide-näytöt
AOC’s AOC:n ultralaajat AGON-pelinäytöt nostavat upottavan pelikokemuksen standardia. Kaiken kattava, giganttisen näkymän luova perspektiivi upottaa pelaajan ennennäkemättömien yksityiskohtien maailmaan ja tarjoaa syvemmän kokemuksen kuin koskaan aikaisemmin.
Isot pelinäytöt
AOC:n näytöt tarjoavat ihanteellisen näkymän pelaajalle pelitilanteesta riippumatta. Luota perinteisen 27-tuumaisen litteään näkymään tai varaa itsellesi hiukan lisää kallisarvoista ruututilaa valtavilla, jopa 35 tuuman kaarevalla näytöillä. Näytön tarkkuuden voit valita Full HD:n ja kristallinkirkkaan WQHD:n väliltä. Tartu pelillesi sopivimpaan ratkaisuun ja nauti tilasta ja pikselien määrästä enemmän kuin koskaan.
AMD’s AMD:n AMD:n FreeSync-tekniikka yhdessä AMD:n grafiikkakortin kanssa tarjoaa sulavan pelikokemuksen ja eliminoi repeilyn. Kun synkronoit fps-lukemat näyttösi virkistystaajuustietojen kanssa, FreeSync takaa jouhevan pelikokemuksen erityisesti nopeatempoisissa peleissä. Älä anna laitteistosi hidastaa menoasi. FreeSync paikkaa syötön viiveet tai mahdollisen repeilyn.
NVIDIA’s G-SYNC-tekniikka takaa sulavan ja kulkevan pelin joka tilanteessa. Jos virkistystaajuus putoaa alle määrätyn raja-arvon, näyttö eliminoi tärinän ja repeilyn. Mikä tahansa näytön laadun heikkeneminen voi merkitä voittoa tai häviötä. G-SYNC tarjoaa tasaisen suorituskyvyn ja pitää pelisi kasassa silloinkin, kun järjestelmäsi ei siihen pysty.
Lisää AOC:sta
AOC perustettiin puoli vuosisataa sitten ja on siitä alkaen erikoistunut näyttöteknologiaan. Missiomme on tarjota teille korkealuokkaisia katselukokemuksia, olivat erityistarpeenne mitkä tahansa.
Product Manual
Support and Warranty
Your technical question is important to us and will be sent to our service center in your region. Our Customer Service Call Center can be reached at 888-838-6388 and is available Monday-Friday from 8:30 am until 5:30 pm PST, except holidays.
your local AOC Customer Service Hotline:
Warranty Information
Envision Peripherals Inc. warrants its monitors to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of 3 years, 4 years for AGON branded monitors. AOC offers an EASE replacement policy for a period of 90 days. During which, EPI will replace defective monitors with an “EASE” monitor as stated in the warranty policy TOC found on this website. EPI also provides advanced replacement on its gaming (AGON and G-Series) monitors for the entire duration of their respective warranties, as well as a one-time accidental damage replacement, for one year, at no additional cost, as outlined in the warranty policy TOC found on this website.
Drivers and Software
E-Saver Driver
Screen+ Driver
I-Menu Driver
G-Menu Driver
Frequently asked questions
Adjust RGB color or select desired color temperature.
Adjust H-Position and V-Position or press hot-key (AUTO).
This indicates an internal failure inside the monitor. Please visit www.aoc-europe.com and refer to our support page for more information how to contact our technical support.
Check to see that the computer is not on power-saving mode by pressing any key or moving the mouse. Then if there is still no display, this typically indicates that the monitor is not receiving a video signal from the video card in your computer. You should verify this by trying the monitor on a different working system, when you plug the monitor into the computer you should get a display…if the monitor still doesn’t show an image on the different system, this indicates an internal problem with the monitor. Please visit www.aoc-europe.com and refer to our support page for more information how to contact our technical support.
Unfortunately our monitor doesn’t have any external control to adjust the focus of the monitor. Try to change to a different resolution or refresh rate or try adjusting the brightness or contrast, if this doesn’t help, this indicates an internal problem with the monitor. Please visit www.aoc-europe.com and refer to our support page for more information how to contact our technical support.
These problems are caused by using an extension video cable or switch box. You need to plug the monitor’s video cable directly to the video card connector on the back of your computer to obtain the best picture quality from the monitor. Also make sure that all the pins of the monitor’s video cable are in good condition.
Move electrical devices that may cause electrical interference as far away from the monitor as possible. Also use the maximum refresh rate your monitor is capable of at the resolution your are using.
Check the pin connector of your monitor video cable, verify that there are no damaged or bent pins, if everything looks fine; then this would indicate a failure inside the monitor. Please visit www.aoc-europe.com and refer to our support page for more information how to contact our technical support.
Change the refresh rate of your monitor
No. You should try to activate the Auto-Adjust feature. If this does not work, please visit www.aoc-europe.com and refer to our support page for more information how to contact our technical support.
Make sure that the signal cable is properly connected to the monitor and is securely inserted into the video card in the back of the computer.
Make sure that none of the pins on the signal cable are bent or broken. (It’s normal for some of the pins to be missing).
Make sure that your computer is turned on and working properly. Your monitor could be waiting for a signal from your computer.
Try turning on your computer and monitor in a different sequence.
If none of these suggestions help, please visit www.aoc-europe.com and refer to our support page for more information how to contact our technical support.
Use the Windows Shut Down screen and activate the AUTO-ADJUST feature of your monitor. You can display the Windows Shut Down screen by pressing START & then Shut Down. After the monitor has performed AUTO-ADJUST, press CANCEL to return to your regular desktop. Refer to the monitor’s documentation for instructions on how to activate the Auto-Adjust feature.
AOC is offering a Pixel Policy based on the ISO 9241-307 Class 1. For more information, please refer to the User Manual under the ‘Pixel Policy’ section.
Make sure the monitor is set to run at its true or native resolution. You can adjust the resolution in the DISPLAY PROPERTIES located in the Control Panel.
This means the monitor is receiving either very high or low signals from the video card of the computer, you can bypass your computer settings by going to Safe Mode.
To prevent this from happening again, make sure that you don’t exceed the maximum resolution of your monitor. Please refer to the user’s manual of the monitor for maximum resolution allowed for your monitor.
Your computer may be in screen saver mode, it has instructed the monitor to go to power saving mode, or the the monitor’s video cable is not properly connected to the computer.
Another possible cause of this is a locked-up or in-operative computer since the computer is what supplies the monitor with all the display data or information. Move the mouse or press a key to de-activate the screen saver or power saving mode. Check the monitor’s video cable and make sure it is snugly connected to the computer.
To see if the computer is operating properly, press the CAPS LOCK key on the keyboard repeatedly while checking the CAPS LOCK light. If the light is not turning ON & OFF, the computer is non-functional. Contact your computer manufacturer for help.
In order for the Plug & Play feature of the monitor to work, you need a Plug & Play compatible computer & video card. Check with your computer manufacturer. Also check the monitor’s video cable and make sure none of the pins are bent.
Make sure the power button is ON and the Power Cord is properly connected to a grounded power outlet and to the monitor.
Press the Start button and highlight the “Settings” option.Select the “Control Panel” folder.
Double Click on the “Display” icon on the Control Panel.
Select the “Settings” tab under the “Display Properties” window.
Click on the “Advanced” button.
Click on the “Adapter” tab and you can check, or set the refresh rate from there.
Verify that the video card and monitor driver are properly installed. Please reference downloading driver information. Please contact the video card vendor for further help on configuring the video card. For the monitor driver, please visit our website driver page.
Since your video card is located inside your computer, you will have to contact your computer manufacturer for assistance.
You can contact our Technical Support Department for parts price and availability. Please visit www.aoc-europe.com and visit our support page for the correct contact details for your country.
You can find this on a small white sticker label on the back of the monitor.
If your Mac does not have a VGA, DVI, HDMI, Displayport port (monitor cable input), then you will need to use an adapter. You will have to contact the manufacturer of the adapter for the correct settings to use with your monitor.
You can use Windex® to clean the screen and 409® clean the outer casing of the monitor. Please use a «soft» non-fiberous cloth to clean the screen. Do not use any paper products to clean the screen.
Please visit www.aoc-europe.com and choose the ‘Wall-mount’ option in the monitor product search criteria’s.
This means the computer is sending an incompatible display mode to your monitor. Please check the user’s manual for supported display mode or input and configure your computer to those settings. The recommended setting for LCD panel is can be found in the user manual under ‘Setting Optimal Resolution’.
Windows NT doesn’t require a monitor driver. You need to install a video card driver instead. Please contact the pc or video card manufacturer for further help on driver configurations of your video card.
Click on the ‘Start’ button, point to ‘Settings’, and then click on ‘Control Panel’.
Double click on the ‘Display’ Icon.
Select the ‘Settings’ tab then click on ‘Advanced. ‘.
Select the ‘Monitor’ button, then click on ‘Change. ‘ button.
Select ‘Specify the location of the driver(Advanced)’ and click on the ‘Next’ button.
Select ‘Display a list of all the drivers in a specific location, so you can choose the driver you want’, then click on ‘Next’ and then click on ‘Have Disk. ‘.
Click on the ‘Browse. ‘ button, select the appropriate drive F: ( CD-ROM Drive) then click on the ‘OK’ button.
Click on the ‘OK’ button, select your monitor model and click on the ‘Next’ button.
Click on ‘Finish’ button then the ‘Close’ button.
Click on the ‘Start’ button, point to ‘Settings’, and then click on ‘Control Panel’.
Double click on the ‘Display’ Icon.
Select the ‘Settings’ tab then click on ‘Advanced. ‘.
Select the ‘Monitor’ button, then click on ‘Change. ‘ button.
Select ‘Specify the location of the driver(Advanced)’ and click on the ‘Next’ button.
Select ‘Display a list of all the drivers in a specific location, so you can choose the driver you want’, then click on ‘Next’ and then click on ‘Have Disk. ‘.
Click on the ‘Browse. ‘ button, select the appropriate drive F: ( CD-ROM Drive) then click on the ‘OK’ button.
Click on the ‘OK’ button, select your monitor model and click on the ‘Next’ button.
Click on ‘Finish’ button then the ‘Close’ button.
Click on the ‘Start’ button, point to ‘Settings’, and then click on ‘Control Panel’.
Double click on the ‘Display’ Icon.
Double click on the ‘Display’ Icon.
Select the ‘Settings’ tab then click on ‘Advanced. ‘.
Select ‘Monitor’
— If the ‘Properties’ button is inactive, it means your monitor is properly configured. Please stop installation.
— If the ‘Properties’ button is active. Click on ‘Properties’ button.
Click on ‘Driver’ and then click on ‘Update Driver. ‘ then click on the ‘Next’ button.
Select ‘Display a list of the known drivers for this device so that I can choose a specific driver’, then click on ‘Next’ and then click on ‘Have disk. ‘.
Click on the ‘Browse. ‘ button then select the appropriate drive F: ( CD-ROM Drive).
Click on the ‘Open’ button, then click the ‘OK’ button.
Select your monitor model and click on the ‘Next’ button.
If you can see the ‘Digital Signature Not Found’ window, click on the ‘Yes’ button.
Click «Start » and «Control Panel». Then, double-click on «Appearance and Personalization».
Click «Personalization» and then «Display Settings».
Click «Advanced Settings. «.
Click «Properties» in the «Monitor» tab. If the «Properties» button is deactivated, it means the configuration for your monitor is completed. The monitor can be used as is.
If the message «Windows needs. » is displayed, as shown in the figure below, click «Continue».
Click «Update Driver. » in the «Driver» tab.
Check the «Browse my computer for driver software» checkbox and click «Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer».
Click on the ‘Have disk. ‘ button, then click on the ‘Browse. ‘ button and then select the appropriate drive F:\Driver (CD-ROM Drive).
Select your monitor model and click on the ‘Next’ button.
Click «Close» → «Close» → «OK» → «OK» on the following screens displayed in sequence.
Click on the ‘Start’ button and then click on ‘Control Panel’.
Click on the ‘Display’ icon.
Click on the “Change display settings” button.
Click the “Advanced Settings” button.
Click the “Monitor” tab and then click the “Properties” button.
Click the “Driver” tab.
Open the «Update Driver Software-Generic PnP Monitor» window by clicking on “Update Driver. “and then click the «Browse my computer for driver software» button.
Select «Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer».
Click the “Have Disk” button. Click on the “Browse” button and navigate to the following directory: X:\Driver\module name (where X is the drive letter designator for the CD-ROM drive).
Select your monitor model and click the “Next” button. The files will be copied from the CD to your hard disk drive.
Close all open windows and remove the CD.
Restart the system. The system will automatically select the maximum refresh rate and corresponding Color Matching Profiles.
Right click and click All apps at the bottom-right of the screen.
Click on the “Control Panel” icon
Set the “View by” to “Large icons” or “Small icons”.
Click on the “Display” icon.
Click on the “Change display settings” button.
Click the “Advanced Settings” button.
Click the “Monitor” tab and then click the “Properties” button.
Click the “Driver” tab.
Open the “Update Driver Software-Generic PnP Monitor” window by clicking on “Update Driver. “ and then click the «Browse my computer for driver software» button.
Select «Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer».
Click the “Have Disk” button. Click on the “Browse” button and navigate to the following directory: X:\Driver\module name (where X is the drive letter designator for the CD-ROM drive).
Select the «xxx.inf» file and click the “Open” button. Click the “OK” button.
Select your monitor model and click the “Next” button. The files will be copied from the CD to your hard disk drive.
Close all open windows and remove the CD.
Restart the system. The system will automatically select the maximum refresh rate and corresponding Color Matching Profiles.
Your monitor is Plug and Play with the Mac OS operating system. If you do find any issues during installation, please contact Mac’s technical support.
Click on the ‘Start’ button, point to ‘Settings’, and then click on ‘Control Panel’.
Double click on the ‘Display’ Icon.
Double click on the ‘Display’ Icon.
Select the ‘Settings’ tab then click on ‘Advanced. ‘.
Select ‘Monitor’
— If the ‘Properties’ button is inactive, it means your monitor is properly configured. Please stop installation.
— If the ‘Properties’ button is active. Click on ‘Properties’ button.
Click on ‘Driver’ and then click on ‘Update Driver. ‘ then click on the ‘Next’ button.
Select ‘Display a list of the known drivers for this device so that I can choose a specific driver’, then click on ‘Next’ and then click on ‘Have disk. ‘.
Click on the ‘Browse. ‘ button then select the appropriate drive F: ( CD-ROM Drive).
Click on the ‘Open’ button, then click the ‘OK’ button.
Select your monitor model and click on the ‘Next’ button.
If you can see the ‘Digital Signature Not Found’ window, click on the ‘Yes’ button.
Product Manual
Техническая поддержка и гарантия
Contact Support
All AOC displays are designed to be easy to use and install, and are manufactured to deliver the highest standards of performance. If you are unable to resolve a problem with your monitor on your own, please call your local AOC Customer Service Hotline.
your local AOC Customer Service Hotline:
Гарантийная информация
Драйверы и программное обеспечение
E-Saver Driver
Screen+ Driver
I-Menu Driver
G-Menu Driver
Frequently asked questions
Adjust RGB color or select desired color temperature.
Adjust H-Position and V-Position or press hot-key (AUTO).
This indicates an internal failure inside the monitor. Please visit www.aoc-europe.com and refer to our support page for more information how to contact our technical support.
Check to see that the computer is not on power-saving mode by pressing any key or moving the mouse. Then if there is still no display, this typically indicates that the monitor is not receiving a video signal from the video card in your computer. You should verify this by trying the monitor on a different working system, when you plug the monitor into the computer you should get a display…if the monitor still doesn’t show an image on the different system, this indicates an internal problem with the monitor. Please visit www.aoc-europe.com and refer to our support page for more information how to contact our technical support.
Unfortunately our monitor doesn’t have any external control to adjust the focus of the monitor. Try to change to a different resolution or refresh rate or try adjusting the brightness or contrast, if this doesn’t help, this indicates an internal problem with the monitor. Please visit www.aoc-europe.com and refer to our support page for more information how to contact our technical support.
These problems are caused by using an extension video cable or switch box. You need to plug the monitor’s video cable directly to the video card connector on the back of your computer to obtain the best picture quality from the monitor. Also make sure that all the pins of the monitor’s video cable are in good condition.
Move electrical devices that may cause electrical interference as far away from the monitor as possible. Also use the maximum refresh rate your monitor is capable of at the resolution your are using.
Check the pin connector of your monitor video cable, verify that there are no damaged or bent pins, if everything looks fine; then this would indicate a failure inside the monitor. Please visit www.aoc-europe.com and refer to our support page for more information how to contact our technical support.
Change the refresh rate of your monitor
No. You should try to activate the Auto-Adjust feature. If this does not work, please visit www.aoc-europe.com and refer to our support page for more information how to contact our technical support.
Make sure that the signal cable is properly connected to the monitor and is securely inserted into the video card in the back of the computer.
Make sure that none of the pins on the signal cable are bent or broken. (It’s normal for some of the pins to be missing).
Make sure that your computer is turned on and working properly. Your monitor could be waiting for a signal from your computer.
Try turning on your computer and monitor in a different sequence.
If none of these suggestions help, please visit www.aoc-europe.com and refer to our support page for more information how to contact our technical support.
Use the Windows Shut Down screen and activate the AUTO-ADJUST feature of your monitor. You can display the Windows Shut Down screen by pressing START & then Shut Down. After the monitor has performed AUTO-ADJUST, press CANCEL to return to your regular desktop. Refer to the monitor’s documentation for instructions on how to activate the Auto-Adjust feature.
AOC is offering a Pixel Policy based on the ISO 9241-307 Class 1. For more information, please refer to the User Manual under the ‘Pixel Policy’ section.
Make sure the monitor is set to run at its true or native resolution. You can adjust the resolution in the DISPLAY PROPERTIES located in the Control Panel.
This means the monitor is receiving either very high or low signals from the video card of the computer, you can bypass your computer settings by going to Safe Mode.
To prevent this from happening again, make sure that you don’t exceed the maximum resolution of your monitor. Please refer to the user’s manual of the monitor for maximum resolution allowed for your monitor.
Your computer may be in screen saver mode, it has instructed the monitor to go to power saving mode, or the the monitor’s video cable is not properly connected to the computer.
Another possible cause of this is a locked-up or in-operative computer since the computer is what supplies the monitor with all the display data or information. Move the mouse or press a key to de-activate the screen saver or power saving mode. Check the monitor’s video cable and make sure it is snugly connected to the computer.
To see if the computer is operating properly, press the CAPS LOCK key on the keyboard repeatedly while checking the CAPS LOCK light. If the light is not turning ON & OFF, the computer is non-functional. Contact your computer manufacturer for help.
In order for the Plug & Play feature of the monitor to work, you need a Plug & Play compatible computer & video card. Check with your computer manufacturer. Also check the monitor’s video cable and make sure none of the pins are bent.
Make sure the power button is ON and the Power Cord is properly connected to a grounded power outlet and to the monitor.
Press the Start button and highlight the “Settings” option.Select the “Control Panel” folder.
Double Click on the “Display” icon on the Control Panel.
Select the “Settings” tab under the “Display Properties” window.
Click on the “Advanced” button.
Click on the “Adapter” tab and you can check, or set the refresh rate from there.
Verify that the video card and monitor driver are properly installed. Please reference downloading driver information. Please contact the video card vendor for further help on configuring the video card. For the monitor driver, please visit our website driver page.
Since your video card is located inside your computer, you will have to contact your computer manufacturer for assistance.
You can contact our Technical Support Department for parts price and availability. Please visit www.aoc-europe.com and visit our support page for the correct contact details for your country.
You can find this on a small white sticker label on the back of the monitor.
If your Mac does not have a VGA, DVI, HDMI, Displayport port (monitor cable input), then you will need to use an adapter. You will have to contact the manufacturer of the adapter for the correct settings to use with your monitor.
You can use Windex® to clean the screen and 409® clean the outer casing of the monitor. Please use a «soft» non-fiberous cloth to clean the screen. Do not use any paper products to clean the screen.
Please visit www.aoc-europe.com and choose the ‘Wall-mount’ option in the monitor product search criteria’s.
This means the computer is sending an incompatible display mode to your monitor. Please check the user’s manual for supported display mode or input and configure your computer to those settings. The recommended setting for LCD panel is can be found in the user manual under ‘Setting Optimal Resolution’.
Windows NT doesn’t require a monitor driver. You need to install a video card driver instead. Please contact the pc or video card manufacturer for further help on driver configurations of your video card.
Click on the ‘Start’ button, point to ‘Settings’, and then click on ‘Control Panel’.
Double click on the ‘Display’ Icon.
Select the ‘Settings’ tab then click on ‘Advanced. ‘.
Select the ‘Monitor’ button, then click on ‘Change. ‘ button.
Select ‘Specify the location of the driver(Advanced)’ and click on the ‘Next’ button.
Select ‘Display a list of all the drivers in a specific location, so you can choose the driver you want’, then click on ‘Next’ and then click on ‘Have Disk. ‘.
Click on the ‘Browse. ‘ button, select the appropriate drive F: ( CD-ROM Drive) then click on the ‘OK’ button.
Click on the ‘OK’ button, select your monitor model and click on the ‘Next’ button.
Click on ‘Finish’ button then the ‘Close’ button.
Haga clic en el botón “Inicio”, señale “Configuración” y, a continuación, haga clic en “Panel de control”.
Haga doble clic en el icono “Pantalla”.
Seleccione la pestaña “Configuración” y, a continuación, haga clic en “Avanzado…”.
Seleccione el botón “Monitor” y, a continuación, haga clic en el botón “Cambiar…”.
Seleccione “Especifique la ubicación del controlador (Avanzado)” y haga clic en el botón “Siguiente”.
Seleccione “Mostrar una lista de todos los controladores en una ubicación específica para que pueda seleccionar el controlador que desea” y, a continuación, haga clic en “Siguiente” y luego en “Utilizar disco…”.
Haga clic en el botón “Examinar…”, seleccione la unidad correspondiente F: (unidad CD-ROM) y haga clic en el botón “Aceptar”.
Haga clic en el botón “Aceptar”, seleccione el modelo de monitor y haga clic en el botón “Siguiente”.
Haga clic en el botón “Finalizar” y luego en el botón “Cerrar”.
Click on the ‘Start’ button and then click on ‘Control Panel’. Select and click on the category „Appearance and Themes‟
Click on the ‘Display’ Item.
Select the ‘Settings’ tab then click on the ‘Advanced’ button.
Select ‘Monitor’ tab
— If the ‘Properties’ button is inactive, it means your monitor is properly configured. Please stop installation.
— If the ‘Properties’ button is active, click on ‘Properties’ button.
Click on the ‘Driver’ tab and then click on ‘Update Driver. ‘ button.
Select the ‘Install from a list or specific location [advanced]’ radio button and then click on the ‘Next’ button.
Select the ‘Don’t Search. I will choose the driver to install’ radio button. Then click on the ‘Next’ button.
Click on the ‘Have disk. ‘ button, then click on the ‘Browse. ‘ button and then select the appropriate drive F: (CD-ROM Drive).
Click on the ‘Open’ button, then click the ‘OK’ button.
Select your monitor model and click on the ‘Next’ button.
— If you can see the ‘has not passed Windows® Logo testing to verify its compatibility with Windows® XP’ message, please click on the ‘Continue Anyway’ button.
Click on the ‘Finish’ button then the ‘Close’ button.
Click on the ‘OK’ button and then the ‘OK’ button again to close the Display Properties dialog box.
Click «Start » and «Control Panel». Then, double-click on «Appearance and Personalization».
Click «Personalization» and then «Display Settings».
Click «Advanced Settings. «.
Click «Properties» in the «Monitor» tab. If the «Properties» button is deactivated, it means the configuration for your monitor is completed. The monitor can be used as is.
If the message «Windows needs. » is displayed, as shown in the figure below, click «Continue».
Click «Update Driver. » in the «Driver» tab.
Check the «Browse my computer for driver software» checkbox and click «Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer».
Click on the ‘Have disk. ‘ button, then click on the ‘Browse. ‘ button and then select the appropriate drive F:\Driver (CD-ROM Drive).
Select your monitor model and click on the ‘Next’ button.
Click «Close» → «Close» → «OK» → «OK» on the following screens displayed in sequence.
Click on the ‘Start’ button and then click on ‘Control Panel’.
Click on the ‘Display’ icon.
Click on the “Change display settings” button.
Click the “Advanced Settings” button.
Click the “Monitor” tab and then click the “Properties” button.
Click the “Driver” tab.
Open the «Update Driver Software-Generic PnP Monitor» window by clicking on “Update Driver. “and then click the «Browse my computer for driver software» button.
Select «Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer».
Click the “Have Disk” button. Click on the “Browse” button and navigate to the following directory: X:\Driver\module name (where X is the drive letter designator for the CD-ROM drive).
Select your monitor model and click the “Next” button. The files will be copied from the CD to your hard disk drive.
Close all open windows and remove the CD.
Restart the system. The system will automatically select the maximum refresh rate and corresponding Color Matching Profiles.
Haga clic con el botón derecho y haga clic en “Todas las aplicaciones” en la parte inferior derecha de la pantalla.
Haga clic en el icono “Panel de control”.
Configure la opción “Ver por” como “Iconos grandes” o “Iconos pequeños”.
Haga clic en el icono “Pantalla”.
Haga clic en el botón “Cambiar la configuración de pantalla”.
Haga clic en el botón “Configuración avanzada”.
Haga clic en la pestaña “Monitor” y, a continuación, haga clic en el botón “Propiedades”.
Haga clic en la pestaña “Controlador”.
Abra la ventana “Actualizar software de controlador-Monitor PnP genérico” haciendo clic en “Actualizar controlador…” y, a continuación, haga clic en el botón “Buscar software de controlador en el equipo”.
Seleccione “Elegir en una lista de controladores de dispositivo en el equipo”.
Haga clic en el botón “Utilizar disco”. Haga clic en el botón “Examinar” y vaya al directorio siguiente: X:\Driver\nombre del módulo (donde X es la letra del controlador que designa la unidad CD-ROM).
Seleccione el archivo “xxx.inf” y haga clic en el botón “Abrir”. Haga clic en el botón “Aceptar”.
Seleccione el modelo de su monitor y haga clic en el botón “Siguiente”.
Los archivos se copiarán desde el CD en su unidad de disco duro.
Cierre todas las ventanas abiertas y extraiga el CD.
Reinicie el sistema. El sistema seleccionará automáticamente la frecuencia de actualización máxima y los perfiles de coincidencia de color correspondientes.
Your monitor is Plug and Play with the Mac OS operating system. If you do find any issues during installation, please contact Mac’s technical support.
Click on the ‘Start’ button, point to ‘Settings’, and then click on ‘Control Panel’.
Double click on the ‘Display’ Icon.
Double click on the ‘Display’ Icon.
Select the ‘Settings’ tab then click on ‘Advanced. ‘.
Select ‘Monitor’
— If the ‘Properties’ button is inactive, it means your monitor is properly configured. Please stop installation.
— If the ‘Properties’ button is active. Click on ‘Properties’ button.
Click on ‘Driver’ and then click on ‘Update Driver. ‘ then click on the ‘Next’ button.
Select ‘Display a list of the known drivers for this device so that I can choose a specific driver’, then click on ‘Next’ and then click on ‘Have disk. ‘.
Click on the ‘Browse. ‘ button then select the appropriate drive F: ( CD-ROM Drive).
Click on the ‘Open’ button, then click the ‘OK’ button.
Select your monitor model and click on the ‘Next’ button.
If you can see the ‘Digital Signature Not Found’ window, click on the ‘Yes’ button.