Fallout new vegas виндовс 10

Fallout new vegas виндовс 10

В обсуждении руководства предложили альтернативный метод:

«. помог ENBoost, который ни в одном из подобных руководств не упоминается.
Вместо NVSR, вроде как, можно NVTF юзать, который был специально под 10-ю Винду написан.»

Установка ENBoost: Извлеките файлы из архива (папка WrapperVersion) в папку с игрой. В игровом лаунчере включите HDR.

Настройка ENBoost: Уже в папке с игрой открываем файл enblocal.ini
Далее в секцию [MEMORY] добавляем два параметра (можно в конце):

VideoMemorySizeMb=X (вместо X ваше число доступной видеопамяти в мегабайтах) EnableCompression=true

Далее скачиваем NVTF c Нексуса (NVSE тоже устанавливаем по предложению): Тык [www.nexusmods.com]
(если у Вас установлен NVSR, то его необходимо удалить)

Теперь закидываем файлы из архива NVSE в папку с игрой.
Устанавливаем NVTF: из архива папку NVSE кидаем в папку Data

Этот способ технически устарел, но рекомендуется в том случае, если используется сборка Windows 10 старее 2018г выпуска т.е. версия 1506 и ниже.
При использовании альтернативного решения этот пункт руководства пропускается.

FNV 4GB Patcher
Патч, позволяющий использовать игре 4Gb ОЗУ, соответственно. Качаем и устанавливаем с Nexus’а:

New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE)
Инструментарий, расширяющий базовый набор скриптов. Качаем и устанавливаем с офф. источника:

New Vegas Stutter Remover
Именно этот аддон способен максимально «сгладить» игровой процесс, убрав всевозможные фризы, даже при использовании тяжелых графических модов по типу ENB и текстур-паков, но у многих пользователей Windows 10 он вызывает кучу проблем со стабильностью игры, что мы и исправим. Качаем, опять же, с Nexus’а:

Находим файлик Fallout.ini в документах (папка My Games > FalloutNV) и открываем его с помощью любого удобного текстового редактора.

Далее жмём CTRL+F и ищем строчку bUseThreadedAI. По умолчанию значение стоит на 0, следовательно ставим 1.

Ищем строчки bPreemptivelyUnloadCells=0 и bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel=0. Во всех случаях меняем значение на 1.

Также, проделываем те же самые действия с файликом Fallout_default.ini, который находится в папке с игрой, дабы избежать редактирования основного ini файла игрой.

ВНИМАНИЕ: Если у вас установлен Zan’s AutoPurge Crash Protector, то в ЛЮБОМ случае вам придётся его удалить. Эти параметры исключают возможность использование этого аддона, к тому же, у нас уже установлен NVAC.

Неактуально при использовании альтернативного решения.

Открываем папку Data в папке с игрой, далее открываем папку NVSE. Создаём файлик nvse_config.ini и прописываем туда:

Неактуально при использовании альтернативного решения.

Качаем измененный INI файлик:
Если вы используете процессор i5 или i7:
Офф. источник: https://taleoftwowastelands.com/download/file.php?id=2997

Возможно процессоры от Intel, начиная с 7xxx серии тоже относятся к новым. Я не знаю их алгоритм работы с движком. Поэтому, в случае возникновения каких-либо сложностей, используйте пресет для новых процессоров.

Заменяйте новый INI файл по пути: Папка с игрой > Data > NVSE > Plugins

В файлике sr_New_Vegas_Stutter_Remover.ini находим значение bReplaceHeap
Оно должно стоять на 0. Меняем на 1

Далее находим Heap секцию в этом файлике (CTRL + F и ищем iHeapAlgorithm)
Всё должно быть выставлено так:


Fallout new vegas виндовс 10

В обсуждении руководства предложили альтернативный метод:

«. помог ENBoost, который ни в одном из подобных руководств не упоминается.
Вместо NVSR, вроде как, можно NVTF юзать, который был специально под 10-ю Винду написан.»

Установка ENBoost: Извлеките файлы из архива (папка WrapperVersion) в папку с игрой. В игровом лаунчере включите HDR.

Настройка ENBoost: Уже в папке с игрой открываем файл enblocal.ini
Далее в секцию [MEMORY] добавляем два параметра (можно в конце):

VideoMemorySizeMb=X (вместо X ваше число доступной видеопамяти в мегабайтах) EnableCompression=true

Далее скачиваем NVTF c Нексуса (NVSE тоже устанавливаем по предложению): Тык [www.nexusmods.com]
(если у Вас установлен NVSR, то его необходимо удалить)

Теперь закидываем файлы из архива NVSE в папку с игрой.
Устанавливаем NVTF: из архива папку NVSE кидаем в папку Data

Этот способ технически устарел, но рекомендуется в том случае, если используется сборка Windows 10 старее 2018г выпуска т.е. версия 1506 и ниже.
При использовании альтернативного решения этот пункт руководства пропускается.

FNV 4GB Patcher
Патч, позволяющий использовать игре 4Gb ОЗУ, соответственно. Качаем и устанавливаем с Nexus’а:

New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE)
Инструментарий, расширяющий базовый набор скриптов. Качаем и устанавливаем с офф. источника:

New Vegas Stutter Remover
Именно этот аддон способен максимально «сгладить» игровой процесс, убрав всевозможные фризы, даже при использовании тяжелых графических модов по типу ENB и текстур-паков, но у многих пользователей Windows 10 он вызывает кучу проблем со стабильностью игры, что мы и исправим. Качаем, опять же, с Nexus’а:

Находим файлик Fallout.ini в документах (папка My Games > FalloutNV) и открываем его с помощью любого удобного текстового редактора.

Далее жмём CTRL+F и ищем строчку bUseThreadedAI. По умолчанию значение стоит на 0, следовательно ставим 1.

Ищем строчки bPreemptivelyUnloadCells=0 и bSelectivePurgeUnusedOnFastTravel=0. Во всех случаях меняем значение на 1.

Также, проделываем те же самые действия с файликом Fallout_default.ini, который находится в папке с игрой, дабы избежать редактирования основного ini файла игрой.

ВНИМАНИЕ: Если у вас установлен Zan’s AutoPurge Crash Protector, то в ЛЮБОМ случае вам придётся его удалить. Эти параметры исключают возможность использование этого аддона, к тому же, у нас уже установлен NVAC.

Неактуально при использовании альтернативного решения.

Открываем папку Data в папке с игрой, далее открываем папку NVSE. Создаём файлик nvse_config.ini и прописываем туда:

Неактуально при использовании альтернативного решения.

Качаем измененный INI файлик:
Если вы используете процессор i5 или i7:
Офф. источник: https://taleoftwowastelands.com/download/file.php?id=2997

Возможно процессоры от Intel, начиная с 7xxx серии тоже относятся к новым. Я не знаю их алгоритм работы с движком. Поэтому, в случае возникновения каких-либо сложностей, используйте пресет для новых процессоров.

Заменяйте новый INI файл по пути: Папка с игрой > Data > NVSE > Plugins

В файлике sr_New_Vegas_Stutter_Remover.ini находим значение bReplaceHeap
Оно должно стоять на 0. Меняем на 1

Далее находим Heap секцию в этом файлике (CTRL + F и ищем iHeapAlgorithm)
Всё должно быть выставлено так:


Fallout new vegas виндовс 10

A walk through of how to mod Fallout: New Vegas to be stable on Windows 10. I will be going by categories, and will go step by step in a lot of detail, so this guide will be rather long. This guide is aimed towards people who have never done any modding or are interested in starting.

All mods past Mod Configuration Menu are optional visual changes and/or gameplay enhancements.
This guide only covers basic stability and a purely visual makeover, I will NOT include mods like Weapons of the New Millenia, or mods like Dragbody’s overhauls. You will need to find another guide to install those, as I have no interest in installing them to my game. These changes are purely to the base game and DLC, there are no new areas or new items.

Hello, in this guide I will teach you how to make Fallout: New Vegas stable on Windows 10 and how to give it a visual overhaul step by step. I will include links to all featured mods, and I will also provide images of steps that may be confusing.

NOTE: I started this guide back in May of 2020, and abandoned it shortly after. I only resumed work on this guide in December, so if there are any noticable differences with dates or writing styles that is why.

To start there are some base requirements:
-Obviously, a legally purchased copy of Fallout: New Vegas and ALL of it’s DLC.
Fallout New Vegas’s Store Page
-A Nexus account. This is where we will be downloading all of the mods from this walkthrough.
( Link to Fallout: New Vegas’s Nexus page [www.nexusmods.com] )
— Either Nexus Mod Manager, or Vortex. One of these are going to be our mod manager for our game, download whichever you prefer, however I suggest Vortex as it is the newer and overall better version of NMM in my opinion. Both can be downloaded off of the Nexus page.
It’s also worth noting that if you have your mod manager and Fallout New Vegas installed on different drives (i.e Vortex on your C: drive, but Fallout New Vegas on your D: drive) you won’t be able to deploy your plugins, which basically updates your plugin list to make sure the list is aware of what load orders you have and of the removal and addition of mods.
( Link to Vortex [www.nexusmods.com] )
( Link to NMM [www.nexusmods.com] )
-7zip, we will need this to extract mod files. You can also use Winrar if you have it, however I personally use 7zip and will showcase using it.
( Link to 7zip [www.7-zip.org] )

To begin, have a fresh install of Fallout: New Vegas and its ini file’s location.

Fallout New Vegas’s Directory should look like:
Drive>Steam>steamapps>common>Fallout New Vegas

Fallout New Vegas’s ini directory should look like:
This PC>Documents>My Games>FalloutNV

It’s preferable to create shortcuts to the data directory, as we will be in and out of this folder.

To start, launch Fallout: New Vegas through its launcher. The game should launch, however if it doesn’t there is no difference in steps. If your game launches and you would like you can create a new trash character in order to test everything. Simply create a new character and go through the tutorial in Doc Mitchell’s house. Once done, close the game and go to the next section.

The first thing we will install is New Vegas Script Extender. This is VERY required in modding, many mods on this list won’t function without NVSE, and many list it as a requirement.

After you put these files in the directory, launch the «nvse_loader.exe». If this file launches Fallout New Vegas, you are finished and may delete the NVSE folder & file off your desktop the move on to the next mod. NVSE is now installed.

The next mod is Fallout New Vegas 4GB Patcher. This mod allows New Vegas to use 4GB of memory instead of 2GB, which helps with how much the game can handle. This mod is on Nexus, so you will need an account in order to install it.

To install, go to the download page of the mod and find the tab that says «Files». Under the section «Main Files» will be a file titled «FNV 4GB Patch», click the button that says «Manual Download» under the file name.

The next mod will be New Vegas Anti-Crash, also known as NVAC. NVAC reduces the amounts of crashes you get.

The next mod is OneTweak, which allows the game to go into a fake fullscreen and allows you to Alt+Tab out without crashing your game. (Borderless Window).

To install, click «Files», then click «Mod Manager Download». Click «Slow Download» on the download speed page, then let the mod install through Vortex/NMM. Once the mod is installed, enable it then open the Fallout New Vegas Launcher. Once in the New Vegas Launcher, click «Options». Once in the options menu, check the «Windowed» box and then set your resolution back to what it was. (Most likely 1920×1080) You are now done with OneTweak.

The next mod we’ll install is New Vegas Tick Fix (NVTF). This mod is an alternative for Fallout Stutter Remover, as FSR doesn’t work properly on Windows 10. New Vegas has a stutter, and the higher your FPS is, the more noticeable it is. NVTF attempts to fix that.

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To install, click the «Files» tab then click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file. Click «Slow Download» once on the download speed page, the mod will begin installing through Vortex/NMM. Let it install, then once it is finished enable it. NVTF is now installed.

The next mod is JIP LN NVSE Plugin. This mod is a plugin that extends the capability of the game’s modding. This mod is required for many mods, and several mods in this guide.

To install, click the «Files» tab then click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file. Click «Slow Download» once on the download speed page, the mod will begin installing through Vortex/NMM. Let it install, then once it is finished enable it. Jip LN NVSE Plugin is now installed.

Instead of CASM, we will now install Simple Saves, as CASM is outdated by nearly 11 years and likely doesn’t function as intended anymore.

To install, go into the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download», then click «Slow Download». The mod will begin installing through Vortex/NMM. Let it install, then once it is finished enable it. Simple Saves will now be installed.

The next mod is Yukichigai Unofficial Patch, aka YUP. This is basically Fallout New Vegas’s version of Unoffical Fallout 3 Patch. This fixes many bugs such as typos, bugs with weapons, and much more.

To install, click the «Files» tab then click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file. Click «Slow Download» once on the download speed page, the mod will begin installing through Vortex/NMM. Let it install, then once it is finished enable it. YUP will now successfully be installed.

The next mod we will install is Unoffical Patch Plus. This patch fixes bugs that aren’t fixed by YUP.

To install, click the «Files» tab then click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file. Click «Slow Download» once on the download speed page, the mod will begin installing through Vortex/NMM. Let it install, then once it is finished enable it. UOPP is now installed.

The next mod is Using the console doesn’t disable achievements. This mod allows you to use the in-game console without having your achievements disabled.

To install, click the «Files» tab then click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file. Click «Slow Download» once on the download speed page, the mod will begin installing through Vortex/NMM. Let it install, then once it is finished enable it.

In this section, we will cover mandatory Ini file changes in order to boost stability. To find the Ini file, go to your documents section, find «My Games» and then find «FalloutNV» and open the «Fallout.ini» file. Use Ctrl+F to search in the file for these settings

We will be changing the following:

bUseThreadedAI=0->1 (after this one, press enter and add the one below)
iNumHWThreads=4 (this 4 will change depending on how many cores your processor has, in my case I have 4)

NOTE: If you launch the Fallout New Vegas launcher after making these changes, they will be reset and you will need to manually fix them.

This concludes the Ini Changes section.

This section is optional for those who have monitors that have a refresh rate of 60+ and have the game running above 60 FPS. Fallout New Vegas NEEDS to be run at 60 FPS or lower, or else the game and its physics system will go crazy and ruin stability.

To limit our FPS, we will use NVIDIA Profile Inspector. This will allow you to limit the FPS of any game you own, but we’re using it specifically for New Vegas.

To install this, find the latest version released (as of now this is and click the «Assets». This will bring down a dropbox, inside you will see 3 files, click the one titled «nvidiaProfileInspector.zip». Clicking this will download a zip file, open this, and double click the «nvidiaProfileInspector.exe» file inside. You may get a message once you doing this saying «This application may depend on other compressed files in this folder.» with the options of «Extract All», «Run», or «Cancel», click «Extract All». This will open another menu, confirming where you want this extraction to happen, click «Extract» once you’re ready. Doing this will open another folder, double click the «nvidiaProfileInspector.exe» file inside, this will open the Profile Inspector.

The final stability mod is the Mod Configuration Menu (MCM). This adds a new option to the menu when you press «ESC» in-game.

To install, click the «Files» tab then click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file. Click «Slow Download» once on the download speed page, the mod will begin installing through Vortex/NMM. Let it install, then once it is finished enable it. A menu will appear over Vortex.

Click «Install» on this menu. MCM will be finished installing once this menu closes.

This concludes the Stability chunk of this guide, anything past this will be a change to visuals or gameplay and is purely optional. If you want pure Fallout New Vegas, you can stop at this point and go play the game. If you want a modded game with enhanced visuals and changed gameplay, you can continue.

This section will cover replacing New Vegas’s lower quality textures with new, higher resolution textures. This is going to be a rather long section, as we will be replacing almost all of the textures in the game. I recommend running the game after installing each mod to make sure the mod is working correctly, I also suggest doing this after finishing each section of the guide as well.

The first texture mod we will install is NMCs Textures. This mod replaces nearly every world texture in the game (excluding weapons, armors, creatures, and such.)

To install, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the TWO MEDIUM Texture packs, then click «Slow Download» on the download speed page. (You can download the large packs, however I use the medium and there is practically no difference between the two.) These two packs are both roughly 1.1GB so they will take a rather long time to install. In the meantime, go into Vortex and click «DASHBOARD» along the side of the page, then click the big orange button that says «Archive Invalidation: No» and make it say «Archive Invalidation: Yes». This will add Vortex’s own Archive Invalidation, which is needed for almost every texture pack to work. Once your two packs are finished installing, click the blue «Never Installed» button on both, and enable the mods. Part 2 will conflict with the YUP patch, in order to fix this click the red lightning bolt, click the drop down box that says «. » and select ‘Before (suggested)’ to indicate you’ll be loading NMCs before YUP, then click save. NMCs Texture Pack is now installed.

Picture of conflicts in Vortex.

The next mod we will install is the Ojo Bueno Texture Pack, which covers textures that NMCs doesn’t and has ones I prefer over NMCs.

To install, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the HIGH file, and then «Slow Download» once on the download speed page. This is another large file (roughly 1.05 GB) so you will have to wait a little while. (this is one of the last huge ones I promise) Enable this once it finishes. This will conflict with both NMC texture files and YUP, load Ojo Bueno AFTER NMCs, but before YUP. After solving the conflict, Ojo Bueno will be installed.

Victor and the new Securitron textures.

The next mod we will install is a few from Textures over Time. We will use only 3 files from this mod.

To install, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the «HH_Sandstone», «RocksCliffsAndCanyonsV1_2», and the «Urban Rubble Piles» files. Then click «Slow Download» the download speed page. Enable these through Vortex. «Urban Rubble Piles» will conflict with both NMC files and Ojo Bueno, I load this after NMC but before Ojo Bueno. «RocksCliffsAndCanyonsV1_2» will conflict with Ojo Bueno and NMCs, I load this before both of these files. After this, the Textures Over Time files will be installed.

The next mod is Weapon Retexture Project, which does exactly what the name says and retextures weapons. It retextures a large amount of weapons, and has a patch for GRA weapons.

Varmint Rifle’s retexture.

Next we will install the GRA WRP Patch, which retextures Gun Runner’s Arsenal Guns.

To install, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file, and then «Slow Download» on the download page. Let this install through Vortex and enable it once it finishes. This will conflict WRP, WMI, and YUP. Load it after WRP, WMI, and YUP. GRA WRP Patch is now installed.

A large amount of GRA guns with their retextures.

Next we will install Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul, which replaces the low quality flora with higher quality and more desert-like flora.

To install, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the «Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul» file, then click «Slow Download» on the download speed page. Install & enable this through Vortex. This will conflict with Ojo Bueno, load WFTO after Ojo Bueno. WFTO is now installed.

Chollo, a real plant, in-game compared to reference.

Next, we will install Enhanced Blood Textures, which makes the blood textures much better to look at, as they now take the texture of the floor they’re on as well as adding effects to your screen when you are hit.

To install, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file and then «Slow Download» on the download speed page. Install and enable this through Vortex. This will conflict with Part 2 of NMCs pack, load Enhanced Blood after NMC. Enhanced Blood Textures are now installed.

Image of the new blood splatters.

Next we will install MGs Neat Clutter Retextures, which retextures a majority of clutter and junk objects.

To install, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the «MGs NCR Pack Ojo Friendly» file, and then «Slow Download» on the download speed page. This is moderately sized (roughly 371 MB), so it may take a little while to install. Install and enable through Vortex. This will conflict with Ojo Bueno, both NMC packs, and YUP. Load MGs after all, but before YUP.

Next we will install AmmoBox-Grenade-Mine Retexture, which retextures ammo boxes, grenades, and mines.

To install, click the «Files» tab and then «Mod Manager Download» on the main file, and then «Slow Download» on the download speed page. Install and enable through Vortex. This will conflict with WMI, Ojo Bueno, and YUP, load it before WMI and after Ojo & YUP. AmmoBox-Grenade-Mine Retexture will now be installed.

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This concludes Pt. 1 of the Textures section, I’m out of space in this one so uh.. Go to Pt.2 when you’re ready.

Next we will install Chem N Health Re-Texts for your Enjoyment mod, which retextures Chems and healing items like Stimpacks.

To install, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file, and then «Slow Download» on the download speed page. Install and enable through Vortex. This will conflict with Ojo Bueno, load this BEFORE Ojo Bueno, if you do not your First Aid Kit will be replaced with a cartoonish neon red texture, rather than Ojo’s realistic Kit. Chem N Health Re-Texts will now be installed.

Mentats from Chem N Health Re-Texts.

Next, we will install Cyrus’s Alcohol Pack, which retextures alcohol and certain healing items, such as blood bags.

To install, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file, and then «Slow Download» on the download speed page. Install and enable through Vortex. This will conflict with YUP, load the pack after YUP. Cyrus’s Alcohol Pack is now installed.

Next we will install the aMidianBorn NV Book Of Water, however only the Book of Flesh part of it. The Book of Flesh part retextures many critters in the wild, such as Mantis and Gecko.

To install, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the «BOA NV The Book Of Flesh» file, and then «Slow Download» on the download speed page. Install and enable through Vortex. This will conflict with YUP, load Book Of Water after YUP. aMidianBorn NV Book Of Water will now be installed.

Radscorpion from the Book Of Water.

Next we will install the Bornagain Combat Armor, which retextures Combat Armor, including the Black Van Graff Combat Armor.

To install, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file, and then «Slow Download» on the download speed page. Install and enable through Vortex. This will have no conflicts.

Van Graff Combat Armor.

To install, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file, and then «Slow Download» on the download speed page. Install and enable through Vortex. When you install this mod, a menu will appear, choose your desired settings. However the screenshot below will showcase my personal settings for this mod. Once you are finished with this menu, click «Install» and enable the mod. This will have no conflicts.

Next we will install the Pip-Boy 3000 HD Retexture, which retextures the Pip-Boy to be less blurry and more clear and readable.

To install, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file, and then «Slow Download» on the download speed page. Install and enable through Vortex. This will have no conflicts.

Animated comparison of the Vanilla and Modded Pip-Boy.

The next mod we will install is Unique Think Tank Members. This mod retextures the members of the Think Tank from the Old World Blues expansion to fit their human appearances. Also retextures Saturnite and Regular Artillery Shells.

To install, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file, and then «Slow Download» on the download speed page. Install and enable through Vortex. This will have no conflicts.

Dr. Mobius with his redesign.

Edit: It appears that Vault 22 Flora Overhaul and Wasteland Clothing Hires Retexture were deleted from Nexus by the mod authors.
Next we will install the Vault 22 Flora Overhaul, which overhauls the flora found in Vault 22.

To install, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file. Install and enable through Vortex. This will have no conflicts. Once enabled, Vault 22 Flora Overhaul will be installed.
Vault 22’s Common Area with the mod installed.

The last texture mod we will install is the Wasteland Clothing Hires Retexture, which retextures a majority of the wasteland’s outfits.

Retextures of Men’s outfits.

This concludes the Textures Section of the guide, I strongly suggest you go make sure everything is working properly and to your liking!

This section will cover mods which alter character appearances, such as New Vegas Redesigned and Type 3 body replacer.

The first mod we will install is the Type 3 Female Body Replacer, this is a SFW (Safe For Work/Non-nude) body replacer for female characters to make them appear less square and more rounded. This also replaces the armors for females to fit the new body.

To install, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the «New Vegas Type 3 Armor Pack Complete» file, as this one gives us the replaced body and armor. Install and enable through Vortex. This will conflict with YUP and Wasteland Clothing HD, load Type 3 before both.

The new body with Type 3.

The next mod we will install is Distributed Necklaces and Chains, which adds necklaces and chains to every NPC to hide the god awful neck seam on NPCs. We will also use another mod to allow us to loot them and make them have an effect on us.

To install Distributed Necklaces and Chains, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file. Install and enable through Vortex. This will have no conflicts.
To install Lootable Necklaces with effects for DNC, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file. Install and enable through Vortex. This will have no conflicts.

Brahmin skull pendant.

Next we will install New Vegas Redesigned 3, which requires Fallout Character Overhaul’s textures. New Vegas Redesigned remakes a majority of NPCs faces to be more realistic and fitting to the character, however leaves out certain NPCs such as The King as the mod author believed that these select faces were fine as is.

To install New Vegas Redesigned, we must first install Fallout Character Overhaul.

To install Fallout Character Overhaul, go to the «Files» tab and scroll to the «Old Files» section. Click «Manual Download» on the «Fallout Character Overhaul 2.3.1». You NEED version 2.3.1 of Fallout Character Overhaul or else New Vegas Redesigned will not work! Once the file is finished installing, drag it to your desktop and extract it into a folder. Open Vortex and click «Install From File» and install the «Fallout Character Overhaul 2.3.1.fomod» file from the extracted folder. Doing this will open a FOMOD installer for Fallout Character Overhaul 2.3.1, DO NOT SELECT ANYTHING! DOING SO WILL BREAK THIS MOD AND NEW VEGAS REDESIGNED, JUST CLICK NEXT AND FINISH! After enabling FCO, it will conflict with YUP, load FCO before YUP. Then, go into your Plugins section of Vortex and disable the «FCOMaster.esm» Plugin, DO NOT DISABLE THE ACTUAL FCO MOD, JUST THIS PLUGIN. You are now done with FCO.

To install New Vegas Redesigned, go to the «Files» tab and click «Manual Download» on the main file and «Update from 3.7 to 4.6» optional file. Once these two files install, drag them to your desktop and extract both into folders. Go into Vortex and click «Install From File» and go into the folder containing the NVR.fomod file, double click the fomod file while using the «Install from File» tool. Enable NVR through Vortex, NVR will conflict with FCO, YUP, Type 3, MGs Clutter, and NMCs. Load it before YUP and FCO, but after Type 3, MGs, and NMCs. Then, go into the update folder and open the «New Vegas Redesigned 3» folder. Inside will be a «Data» folder, drag this folder’s contents into the Fallout New Vegas Data folder, select «Replace files in this destination» if the prompt appears. Enable all NVR related plugins. New Vegas Redesigned is now installed.

Red Lucy before and after NVR.

This concludes the Character Overhauls section.

This section will cover overhauling the lighting and weather of New Vegas. This includes adding more weathers and changing the ones already in-game. We’ll also be making the lighting more realistic and pure.

The first mod we will install is Realistic Wasteland Lighting (RWL), which does as the title says and makes the Wasteland’s lighting appear more realistic, it also changes the sky textures to have more realistic coloring and clouds.

To install, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the «FNV Realistic Wasteland Lighting All DLC» file. Install and enable through Vortex, once you do this RWL will be installed.

Screenshot showcasing RWL.

Next we will install Nevada Skies, which is a weather overhaul and adds a variety of weathers such as sandstorms.

Mojave with Nevada Skies enabled.

The final lighting mod we will install is Interior Lighting Overhaul, which overhauls the lighting of interiors to be more realistic.

To install, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file. Install and enable through Vortex. Once enabled, it will bring up a FOMOD installer through Vortex. Follow through the installer and select all that apply (aka all compatibility patches you need, we only need the Ultimate Edition & YUP patch.) ILO is now installed.

This concludes the Weather & Lighting section.

This section includes changing things that affect gameplay, we’ll also be adding Quality Of Life mods, such as Sprinting.

The first mod we will install is Sprint Key. This mod allows you to sprint by holding downing the Shift key. Doing so will drain your AP.

To install, click the «Files» tab then click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file. Click «Slow Download» once on the download speed page, the mod will begin installing through Vortex/NMM. Let it install, then once it is finished enable it. Sprint Key will be installed.

The next mod we will install is New Vegas Enhanced Camera. This mod allows you to see your character’s body in first person.

To install, click the «Files» tab then click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file. Click «Slow Download» once on the download speed page, the mod will begin installing through Vortex/NMM. Let it install, then once it is finished enable it. NVEC will be installed.

The next mod is Perk Every Level, which makes it so that you get a perk every time you level up, rather than every other time you level up.

To install, click the «Files» tab then click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file. Click «Slow Download» once on the download speed page, the mod will begin installing through Vortex/NMM. Let it install, then once it is finished enable it. Perk Every Level will be installed.

The next two mods come from the same download page. They are More Traits and More Perks, which add a multitude of new perks and traits to New Vegas.

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To install, click the «Files» tab then click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file. Click «Slow Download» once on the download speed page. Then go back to the «Files» tab and scroll down to «Optional Files». Find the file labeled «More Traits» and click «Mod Manager Download», then click «Slow Download» on the download speed page. The two mods will begin to install, let them install then enable them once done. More Perks and More Traits will be installed.

The next mod is The Strip Open, which makes it so that The Strip is one zone rather than two zones separated between The Tops and the Lucky 38.

To install, click the «Files» tab then click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file. Click «Slow Download» once on the download speed page, the mod will begin installing through Vortex/NMM. Let it install, then once it is finished enable it. The Strip Open will be installed.

The next mod is Immersive Pickup Sounds. This mod replaces many of the sounds emitted when you pick up an item with a more realistic, immersing sound.

To install, click the «Files» tab then click «Mod Manager Download» on the «Immersive Pickup Sounds FNV» file. Click «Slow Download» once on the download speed page, the mod will begin installing through Vortex/NMM. Let it install, then once it is finished enable it. Immersive Pickup Sounds will be installed.

The next mod is EVE, Energy Visuals Enhanced. This mod makes a large number of changes to Energy weapons, such as giving them unique sights and changing their sound effects.

Note: I removed EVE from this guide as it not compatible with WMI and can can issues according to the author of EVE. I apologize to anyone plagued with issues because of my mistake.

The next mod is FOV Slider, which allows you to adjust your FOVs in-game through MCM.

To install, click the «Files» tab then click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file. Click «Slow Download» once on the download speed page, the mod will begin installing through Vortex/NMM. Let it install, then once it is finished enable it. FOV Slider will be installed. To change FOV values, press escape (ESC) while in-game and click the option at the top that says «Mod Configuration» then click the option labeled «FOV Slider». Once in the «FOV Slider» option you will be able to change your FOV values. Note: FOV Slider is very on and off with me, sometimes it works and sometimes it causes visual glitches that block your screen after entering V.A.T.S. So just be warned if this doesn’t work correctly.

The next mod is Functional Post Game Ending (FPGE), which allows you to continue playing after the game’s final credits finish.

To install, click the «Files» tab then click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file. Click «Slow Download» once on the download speed page, the mod will begin installing through Vortex/NMM. Let it install, then once it is finished enable it. FPGE will be installed.

The last mod is Faction Wasteland Presence. This mod makes it so that when a faction sends you somewhere, allies from that faction will be there. This mod also adds patrols for factions that originally never had them, such as the Brotherhood of Steel.

To install, click the «Files» tab then click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file. Click «Slow Download» once on the download speed page, the mod will begin installing through Vortex/NMM. Let it install, then once it is finished enable it. Faction Wasteland Presence will be installed.

To install, go to the files section and click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file and then «Slow Download». Let this install through Vortex, and then enable it. NPCs Sprint in Combat is now installed.

The final mod is Faction Armor redone. Normally, faction armors will reset both your fame (positive reputation) and infamy (negative reputation) to 0 for all factions. This means that wearing NCR armor while idolized, would make you neutral with the NCR. This mod removed all adjustments to fame from the faction armor scripts. Your infamy will still be adjusted. This will not prevent you from being attacked for wearing opposing faction armors. This only allows you to maintain your positive reputation while wearing faction armor.

To install, click the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file. Install and enable through Vortex. Faction Armor Redone is now installed.

This concludes the gameplay enhancements section of this guide.

This section will cover overhauling and retexturing the factions of New Vegas, including the NCR, Legion, Brotherhood, and other minor factions.

The first mod we will install is Super Mutants HD. this retextures the Super Mutants of New Vegas to be 4k or 2k.

To install, click the «Files» tab then click «Mod Manager Download» on the 2k file under the «Optional» header. Click «Slow Download» once on the download speed page, the mod will begin installing through Vortex/NMM. Let it install, then once it is finished enable it. This will conflict with WMI, (?) load Super Mutants HD after WMI. Super Mutants HD will be installed.

The NPC Marcus, Modded is on left while original is on the right.

The next mod we’ll install is PM’s HD Legion Overhaul, which retextures the Legion’s armor.

To install, click the «Files» tab then click «Mod Manager Download» on the 2k file under the «Main Files» header. Click «Slow Download» once on the download speed page, the mod will begin installing through Vortex/NMM. Let it install, then once it is finished enable it. This will conflict with Wasteland Clothing HD, load PM’s pack after Wasteland Clothing HD. PM’s HD Legion Overhaul will be installed.

Caesar’s Armor, Vanilla on the left, Modded on the right.

The next mod we’ll install is PM’s HD Ranger Outfits, which retextures NCR Ranger armor.

To install, click the «Files» tab then click «Mod Manager Download» on the 2k file under the «Main Files» header. Click «Slow Download» once on the download speed page, the mod will begin installing through Vortex/NMM. Let it install, then once it is finished enable it. This will have no conflicts. PM’s HD Ranger Outfits will be installed.

Ranger Armor, Original on the left, Modded on the right.

The next mod we’ll install is ADAM Reborn, which retextures NCR soldiers armor.

To install, click the «Files» tab then click «Mod Manager Download» on the 2k file under the «Main Files» header. Click «Slow Download» once on the download speed page, the mod will begin installing through Vortex/NMM. Let it install, then once it is finished enable it. A FOMOD installer will appear after enabling ADAM, select «Complete Version», then on the next slide of the installer select «ADAM Fingergloves», next select «Original Helmet», next select «Yes» when asked if you want to install the NCR Trooper Module, select «Finish». This will conflict with YUP and Type 3, load ADAM before YUP and after Type 3. ADAM is now installed.

NCR Patrol Armor from ADAM

The next mod is NCR Civilian Clothing, which retextures the clothing of NCR Citizens.

To install, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the optional «NCR Civillian Clothing 2K» file, as the 4k files is unnecessary. Install and enable through Vortex. This will conflict with PM’s HD Ranger Outfits, load NCR Civilian Clothes after PM’s pack.

The next mod we’ll install is Arizona Slave Army. This replaces the Legion’s armor with armor that’s more fitting to their backstory and the environment they’re in.

To install, click the «Files» tab then click «Mod Manager Download» on the 2k file under the «Main Files» header. Click «Slow Download» once on the download speed page, the mod will begin installing through Vortex/NMM. Let it install, then once it is finished enable it. This will have no conflicts. Arizona Slave Army is now installed. Note: This will work completely fine with PM’s HD Legion Overhaul, and will simply retexture it.

Showcasing the new look of Legionary’s armor.

This concludes the Faction Overhauls & Retextures section.

This section will cover replacing the User Interface of New Vegas, using things like Darnified UI and Simple Dot Crosshair.

First we will download User Interface Organizer (UIO), which ensures that all UI extensions are properly installed/removed when needed.

The next mod we will install is Darnified UI, which is a UI replacer changes the size of the hud and changes the font of the text, as Fallout New Vegas was likely never meant to be played on a monitor a few inches away from your face and more likely on a TV a few feet away.

Darnified UI: (the original page is no longer available, so this is a mirrored download)

To install, click the big red button that says «DOWNLOAD NOW!» with the arrow next to it, after clicking give it a few seconds to begin installing. Once it installs, drag it to your desktop and go into Vortex and click «Install From File». Double click the 7zip file to install Darn Ui through Vortex. This will conflict with YUP and MCM, Load YUP and MCM before Darn UI. If you so please, you can change the name of the «DUINV.7zip» to simply «DarnUI» by double clicking the file in Vortex and changing it under the «Mod Name» box. Darn UI is now partially installed.

What do I mean by «Partially Installed», you ask? Well, we need to do more Ini changes for the text of DarnUI to work properly. OR we can download the mod «Darn UI font for dummies», which we will be doing as it is much easier than changing the Ini.

To install, click the «Files» tab and «Manual Download» on the main file. Once this file downloads, drag it to your desktop. Go into Vortex and click «Install From File» and double click the «DarNified UI Font Dummies» file. Enable this and then test in-game to see if the mods are working properly, if you see a small Vault Boy head in the bottom left and your hud is changed, then its working! Darn UI and Darn UI Font For Dummies are now installed.

The next mod we will install is Traits Menu DarNified, which makes it so that the Trait menu and Perk menu are using DarnUI.

To install, go to the «Files» tab and click «Mod Manager Download» on the main file. Install and enable through Vortex. This will have no conflicts. Traits Menu DarNified is now installed.

The next mod we will install is Simple Dot Crosshair, which replaces the [> >


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