- Как отключить быстрое переключение пользователей в Windows 10
- Как отключить быстрое переключение пользователей используя редактор локальной групповой политики
- Как отключить быстрое переключение пользователей используя файл реестра
- How to enable or disable Fast User Switching in Windows 10
- Enable or Disable Fast User Switching in Windows 10
- Registry Editor method
- Group Policy Editor method
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- [email protected]
- How to Enable or Disable Fast User Switching in Windows 10
- What is Fast User Switching in Windows?
- What are the Advantages of Fast User Switching?
- How to Enable or Disable Fast User Switching in Windows 10
- Method 1: Enable or Disable Fast User Switching in Windows 10 using Local Group Policy Editor
- Method 2: Enable or Disable Fast User Switching in Windows 10 using Windows Registry Editor
- Conclusion
- How to disable Windows 10’s ‘Fast User Switching’ feature
- How to disable Fast User Switching using Group Policy
- How to disable Fast User Switching using Registry
- Wrapping things up
- More Windows 10 resources
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- Windows 10: Enable or Disable Fast User Switching
- Option 1 – Group Policy
- Option 2 – Registry
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Как отключить быстрое переключение пользователей в Windows 10
В данной статье показаны действия, с помощью которых можно отключить быстрое переключение пользователей (Fast User Switching) в операционной системе Windows 10.
Функция быстрого переключения пользователей позволяет выполнять переключение между учетными записями пользователей без закрытия открытых приложений и документов. Учетные записи в которые ранее был выполнен вход, по прежнему будут потреблять какое-то количество ресурсов компьютера, что может замедлить работу системы.
При необходимости можно отключить быстрое переключение пользователей (скрыть точки входа в меню «Пуск», на экране входа, на экране безопасности и в диалоге «Завершение работы Windows»), и после этого чтобы переключиться на другую учетную запись, вам будет необходимо полностью завершить сеанс текущего пользователя, что освободит ресурсы компьютера.
Чтобы отключить быстрое переключение пользователей (скрыть точки входа), необходимо войти в систему с правами администратора
Как отключить быстрое переключение пользователей используя редактор локальной групповой политики
Редактор локальной групповой политики доступен в Windows 10 редакций Pro, Enterprise, Education.
Чтобы отключить быстрое переключение пользователей, откройте редактор локальной групповой политики, для этого нажмите сочетание клавиш + R, в открывшемся окне Выполнить введите (скопируйте и вставьте) gpedit.msc и нажмите клавишу Enter ↵.
В открывшемся окне редактора локальной групповой политики, разверните следующие элементы списка:
Конфигурация компьютера ➯ Административные шаблоны ➯ Система ➯ Вход в систему
Далее, в правой части окна дважды щелкните левой кнопкой мыши по параметру политики с названием Скрыть точки входа для быстрого переключения пользователей
В окне «Скрыть точки входа для быстрого переключения пользователей» установите переключатель в положение Включено и нажмите кнопку OK.
Изменения вступают в силу сразу. Ниже на скриншотах показан пример включенной и отключенной функции быстрого переключения пользователей в меню «Пуск».
Как отключить быстрое переключение пользователей используя файл реестра
Данный способ актуален для Windows 10 Домашняя, так как в ней отсутствует редактор локальной групповой политики, но также подходит для всех редакций операционной системы Windows 10.
Данный способ позволяет отключить быстрое переключение пользователей с помощью внесения изменений в системный реестр Windows посредством файла реестра.
Прежде чем вносить какие-либо изменения в реестр, настоятельно рекомендуется создать точку восстановления системы
Все изменения производимые в редакторе реестра отображены ниже в листингах файлов реестра.
Чтобы отключить быстрое переключение пользователей, создайте и примените файл реестра следующего содержания:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00.
Чтобы включить быстрое переключение пользователей, создайте и примените файл реестра следующего содержания:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00.
После применения файлов реестра, чтобы изменения вступили в силу, перезагрузите компьютер.
Используя рассмотренные выше действия, можно отключить (включить) быстрое переключение пользователей в операционной системе Windows 10.
How to enable or disable Fast User Switching in Windows 10
Slow computers are such productivity killers. And if you are someone who needs to switch user accounts on your computer multiple times a day, it might get irritating. This is so because both the accounts have some programs or applications running and resources allocated to them. This makes the process really slow. Plus, if the computer is already low on performance, it kills the natural fluidic flow of the user. Today, we will check out how to make this task of User Switching faster with some minor tweaks on Windows 10.
Enable or Disable Fast User Switching in Windows 10
Registry Editor method
Hit the WINKEY + R button combination to launch the Run utility, type in regedit and hit Enter. Once Registry Editor opens, navigate to the following key-
Now, right click on System and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.
Name this newly created DWORD as HideFastUserSwitching. Double click on it and change its Value to to enable it. To disable it, you need to set its value to 1.
Reboot your computer for the changes to take effect.
Group Policy Editor method
It is worth noting that this method will not work at all if you are using Windows 10 Home edition. This is so because the Group Policy Editor does not come with Windows 10 Home.
Start by hitting the WINKEY + R button combination to start the Run box and type in gpedit.msc and then finally hit Enter.
Now, navigate to the following path inside the Group Policy Editor-
Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Logon
Double-click on the configuration listing named as Hide entry points for Fast User Switching to open the configuration page.
You can either select Enabled to Disable Fast User Switching or Disabled or Not Configured to Enable Fast User Switching depending on your preferences.
Click on OK and exit the Group Policy Editor.
Reboot your computer for the changes to take effect.
Date: November 23, 2018 Tags: User Account
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[email protected]
Ayush has been a Windows enthusiast since the day he got his first PC with Windows 98SE. He is an active Windows Insider since Day 1 and is now a Windows Insider MVP. He has been testing pre-release services on his Windows 10 PC, Lumia, and Android devices.
How to Enable or Disable Fast User Switching in Windows 10
Published on February 28, 2016 By Amit Kumar
Are you thinking to enable or disable Fast User Switching feature in Windows 10 computer?
Windows 10 operating system came with a lot of new amazing features and updates to the old features which already came with earlier versions of Windows.
Fast User Switching is a feature which was available in earlier versions of Windows and which comes in Windows 10 too. Using fast user switching feature you will be able to switch from one user to another without logging off. In order to use fast user switching in Windows 10 system, firstly you will have to enable fast user switching mode.
Today in this Windows 10 tutorial, we are going to tell ho how to enable fast user switching in Windows 10 PC and how to disable fast user switching in Windows 10 computers but before we tell you how to do that, let’s find out what is fast user switching in Windows 10 and what are the advantages of using fast user switching?
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What is Fast User Switching in Windows?
Windows 10 Fast user switching is a feature with which a user can log into the Windows 10 computer even when other users are logged in with their applications running in the background. This means that with this feature, multiple users will be able to login to the computer and do their work without interrupting any other user.
In simple words, the feature which helps in switching users without logging off called Fast User Switching. But one thing you have to must keep in your mind that if you are logged onto a remote computer (for the example: you are using a Remote Desktop Connection) then you will not be able to use fast user switching on that computer.
What are the Advantages of Fast User Switching?
If there are a lot of Windows 10 users registered on your computer then the fast user switching will come into play. The advantage of this feature is that it allows all the users to do their work on a computer. Without fast user switching, you have to close the applications which were being run by other users. There won’t be any interruption in the work which other users are doing if you have to enable fast user switching feature.
How to Enable or Disable Fast User Switching in Windows 10
After reading the above details, we hope that now you know what is fast user switching feature and the advantages of using it. So, now let’s check out the methods to enable or disable fast user switching in Windows 10 system. Since enabling or disabling fast user switching in Windows 10 using Local Group Policy Editor and Windows Registry Editor are some of the most appropriate ways. So, we will follow these two methods in order to enable / disable fast user switching in Windows 10 Computer:
Method 1: Enable or Disable Fast User Switching in Windows 10 using Local Group Policy Editor
This is the first method which you can follow to enable fast user switching in Windows 10. Follow the steps which we have shared below to enable and disable fast user switching.
Step (1): First of all, open Run dialog box on your Windows 10 computer. You can open Run dialog box by pressing Windows + R keys together..
Step (2): In the Run dialog box, you have to enter gpedit.msc command line.
Step (3): Now, you will see the Local Policy Editor on your computer. You need to use Local policy editor to enable or disable fast user switching windows 10.
Step (4): From here you have to go to Local Computer Policy → Computer Configuration → Administrative Templates → System → Logon.
Step (5): Now from the right side pane, you have to click on Hide entry Points for Fast user switching file.
Step (6): Click on the Enable button and the Fast user switching feature will be enabled on your computer.
If fast user switching feature is already enabled on your PC and you want to disable fast user switching in Windows 10, you can simply click on the Disable button. That’s it!
Method 2: Enable or Disable Fast User Switching in Windows 10 using Windows Registry Editor
If you are not able to enable fast user switching by following the above method you can take help of the Windows Registry editor. Here’s how to do so:
Step (1): At first, open Run dialog box by pressing Windows + R keys together.
Step (2): To open Registry editor, enter regedit in the Run dialog box and hit the Enter key.
Step (3): Now you have to expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → SOFTWARE → Microsoft → Windows → CurrentVersion → Policies → System.
Step (4): Here you have to find a value which says HideFastUserSwitching. If you don’t see this value here create it by right clicking on the System folder and then selecting New DWORD 32-bit value. Type HideFastUserSwitching and hit Enter Key which will create the value.
Step (5): Now double click on the value you created and then change its data to “” which will enable Fast user switching feature.
In order to disable fast user switching in Windows 10 using Windows Registry, follow the same steps and set the data to “1” in the place of 0. That’s it!
As now you have enabled fast user switching on your Windows 10 computer, you take benefits of this feature in order to switch users without logging off or closing your programs and files. These are the only two most accurate methods which can be used to enable or disable fast user switching in Windows 10 operating system.
If you are having any questions regarding the above methods to enable fast user switching or disable fast user switching in Windows 10 computers, use the comments section below to ask them. We hope you found this Windows 10 fast user switching guide useful for you. You may also be interested in checking out: How to Make Sure No One is Monitoring Your Computer
How to disable Windows 10’s ‘Fast User Switching’ feature
In Windows 10, «Fast User Switching» is a useful feature, and its primary purpose is to offer a way to quickly switch from one account to another while keeping the previous user signed in. Although it’s a convenient option to have on a shared computer, Fast User Switching has a few caveats. For example, while users are still signed in, you can’t turn off the device, because they may lose their unsaved work. In addition, signed in accounts still consume system resources (processor, memory, and disk), and depending on the computer’s hardware, running apps and services when you have multiple accounts running simultaneously can slow down the user experience.
If you find that Fast Users Switching isn’t a feature you want available when sharing a computer, Windows 10, lets you disable the feature using the Local Group Policy editor and the Registry.
In this Windows 10 guide, we walk you through the steps to disable Fast User Switching.
How to disable Fast User Switching using Group Policy
In Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise, the easiest way to disable Fast User Switching is using the Local Group Policy Editor.
To disable Fast User Switching using Group Policy, do the following:
Browse the following path:
Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Logon
On the right side, double-click the Hide entry points for Fast User Switching policy.
Select the Enabled option.
Once you complete these steps, you’ll need to restart your computer. Moving forward, the user profile menu on Start will no longer show the ability to use Fast User Switching. Users will also be forced to save their work and sign out in order to allow another person to sign in.
Start menu with Fast User Switching option (left); Start menu without Fast User Switching option (right).
You can always revert the changes by following the instructions mentioned above, but on step No. 5, select the Not Configured option.
How to disable Fast User Switching using Registry
If you’re running Windows 10 Home, you won’t have access to the Local Group Policy Editor, but you can still disable the Fast User Switching feature by modifying the Registry.
Warning: This is a friendly reminder that editing the registry is risky, and it can cause irreversible damage to your installation if you don’t do it correctly. We recommend making a full backup of your PC before proceeding.
To disable Fast User Switching using the Registry, do the following:
Browse the following path:
Right-click on the right side of System, select New and click on DWORD (32-bit) Value.
Double-click the newly created DWORD and set the value from to 1.
After completing these steps, you’ll need to reboot your device, and then moving forward the user profile menu on Start will no longer show the ability to use Fast User Switching. Users will also be forced to save their work and sign out before another person can sign in.
If you need to re-enable the feature, you can use the same instructions, but on step No. 4, double-click the HideFastSwitching DWORD and change its value from 1 to . Alternatively, you can simply right-click HideFastSwitching and select Delete to remove the item.
Wrapping things up
It should be noted that using these instructions, you’re actually only removing the option to switch to user accounts in the Start menu, Sign in screen, and Task Manager, the feature will continue to be available on Windows 10. However, users won’t have access to it forcing them to save their work and sign out before another person can sign in.
We focused on Windows 10 in this guide, but Fast User Switching has been around for a long time, and it’s also possible to use the same instructions on Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 computers.
More Windows 10 resources
For more help articles, coverage, and answers to common questions about Windows 10, visit the following resources:
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Windows 10: Enable or Disable Fast User Switching
The Fast User Switching feature in Microsoft Windows 10 allows users to login to a PC while keeping other users logged in and their applications running. This allows multiple users to use the computer without interrupting what other users are working on.
You can enable or disable fast user switching using these steps.
Option 1 – Group Policy
Option 2 – Registry
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Filed Under: Windows Tagged With: Windows 10
Reader Interactions
@R Torbert
The 32 bit vs 64 bit has to do with the length of the value, nothing to do with the OS.
if you need a 32 bit value you would still use 32-bit.
In the regedit option, if your system is 64-bit… would you still select “New DWORD 32-bit value“?
There is a “New DWORD 64-bit value“ … which seems more appropriate for a 64-bit system.
I tried both options and it’s still not working. It only worked once, which was a few days ago, but after I ran some registry cleaner it stopped working. I guess the registry cleaner has deleted some other keys that might be related somehow.
Thank you so much, worked a treat.
thanks a lot you helped me. God bless you
this worked, thanks.
Thanks Mitch. I always forget where to find and change this setting. Love the photo of you and the kid. 🙂
Thank you so very much … was looking for this answer for hours!
I am using Pro but neither option makes a difference, nor the ore the suggested in the comments.
never had a problem with this until recently…. “helpful” update must have sabotaged my setup…. wish they’d just quit screwing with things without notice
Here is the fix
computer configuration > administrative templates > system > Logon
Always use classic logon set to enabled.
the switch user icon will now show on lock screen.
Works as described. Thanks!
I try option 2 and found the value called “HideFastUserSwitching”. But it will not allow me to set it to “0” to enable it.
I get the message “Cannot edit HideFastUserSwitching: Error writing the value’s new contents.”
Thanks for publishing such a clear solution! Few things more frustrating than knowing something is there but not being able to find it. Puzzled by finding no “switch user” ability in Win 10 out of the box. Problem solved. Finding this in policy menus is last place I would have looked with my limited Win 10 experience. Went from Win 7 to Win 10 and found I was not in Kansas anymore.
Biswajit Gorai says
The first option won’t work if you have the free Windows 10, you’ll need the “Pro” one because that is the only one that has the file gpedit.msc, the registry editor (regedit) is in almost all (if not all, I don’t know) Windows, so that includes all Windows 10 and makes the second option always work.
Thank you very much
You need the Pro version in Windows 10 to get gpedit.msc
Hi I have no option to “Hide Entry Points for Fast User Switching“.
Looked for half an hour before finding this which worked! (I used the regedit option)
Using Option 1, I get an error message that Windows can’t find “gpedit.msc”. The 2nd option seems to have worked (though I don’t know how I’ll know!). I just exited from the regedit box since I didn’t see a “save” or any other way to leave.
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