How to install font windows

  1. Установка шрифтов, которые не отображаются после обновления до Windows 10 How to install fonts that are missing after upgrading to Windows 10
  2. Установка языковых компонентов через языковые параметры Installing language-associated features via language settings:
  3. Установка необязательных шрифтов вручную без изменения языковых параметров. Install optional fonts manually without changing language settings:
  4. Fontsincluded in optional font features Fontsincluded in optional font features
  5. Come installare o rimuovere un tipo di carattere in Windows
  6. Per vedere quali tipi di carattere sono disponibili nel dispositivo
  7. Per aggiungere un tipo di carattere da Microsoft Store
  8. Per aggiungere un tipo di carattere da un’origine online
  9. Per rimuovere un tipo di carattere
  10. Per scaricare i tipi di carattere supplementari per altre lingue
  11. How to install fonts in Windows 10
  12. How to install fonts through the Microsoft Store
  13. How to install fonts using drag and drop
  14. How to delete fonts
  15. How to Install a Font on Windows 10
  16. What You’ll Need
  17. 1. How to Install a Font on Windows 10
  18. Step 1
  19. Step 2
  20. Step 3
  21. Step 4
  22. Step 5
  23. 2. How to Uninstall a Font on Windows 10
  24. Step 1
  25. Step 2
  26. Step 3
  27. Step 4
  28. And That’s How It’s Done!
  29. How to install fonts that are missing after upgrading to Windows 10
  30. Installing language-associated features via language settings:
  31. Install optional fonts manually without changing language settings:
  32. FontsВ included in optional font features

Установка шрифтов, которые не отображаются после обновления до Windows 10 How to install fonts that are missing after upgrading to Windows 10

Область применения: Windows 10 Applies to: Windows 10

При обновлении с Windows 7, Windows 8 или Windows 8.1 до Windows 10 некоторые шрифты становятся недоступными по умолчанию после обновления. When you upgrade from the Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1 operating system to Windows 10, certain fonts are no longer available by default post-upgrade. Чтобы сократить занимаемое операционной системой место, повысить производительность и оптимизировать использование дискового пространства, мы переместили многие шрифты, которые предоставлялись в составе предыдущих версий Windows, в раздел необязательных компонентов Windows 10. To reduce the operating system footprint, improve performance, and optimize disk space usage, we moved many of the fonts that were previously shipped with prior versions of Windows to the optional features of Windows 10. При установке нового экземпляра Windows 10 или обновлении более ранней версии Windows до Windows 10 эти необязательные компоненты не включены по умолчанию. If you install a fresh instance of Windows 10, or upgrade an older version of Windows to Windows 10, these optional features are not enabled by default. В результате, данные шрифты отсутствуют в системе. As a result, these fonts appear to be missing from the system.

Если у вас есть документы, созданные с использованием отсутствующих шрифтов, в Windows 10 они могут отображаться иначе. If you have documents created using the missing fonts, these documents might display differently on Windows 10.

Например, если у вас установлена версия Windows 10 на английском, французском, немецком или испанском языке, следующие шрифты могут отсутствовать: For example, if you have an English (or French, German, or Spanish) version of Windows 10 installed, you might notice that fonts such as the following are appear to be missing:

Чтобы использовать эти шрифты, можно включить необязательный компонент и вернуть их в систему. If you want to use these fonts, you can enable the optional feature to add these back to your system. Имейте в виду, что это изменение в поведении Windows 10 носит постоянный характер и сохранится в дальнейших выпусках. Be aware that this is a permanent change in behavior for Windows 10, and it will remain this way in future releases.

Установка языковых компонентов через языковые параметры Installing language-associated features via language settings:

Если вы хотите использовать шрифты из необязательного компонента и просматривать веб-страницы, редактировать документы или использовать приложения на языке, связанном с данным компонентом, добавьте этот язык в ваш профиль пользователя. If you want to use the fonts from the optional feature and you know that you will want to view Web pages, edit documents, or use apps in the language associated with that feature, add that language into your user profile. Это можно сделать в приложении «Параметры». You do this the Settings app.

Например, ниже указаны шаги для установки шрифтов для иврита. For example, here are the steps to install the fonts associated with the Hebrew language:

После добавления иврита в список языков устанавливаются необязательный компонент шрифта для иврита и другие необязательные компоненты для поддержки иврита. Once you have added Hebrew to your language list, then the optional Hebrew font feature and other optional features for Hebrew language support are installed. Этот процесс должен занять всего несколько минут. This should only take a few minutes.

Примечание. Дополнительные функции устанавливаются в Обновлении Windows. Note:The optional features are installed by Windows Update. Это значит, что для работы Центра обновления Windows требуется подключение к Интернету. This means you need to be online for the Windows Update service to work.

Установка необязательных шрифтов вручную без изменения языковых параметров. Install optional fonts manually without changing language settings:

Если вы хотите использовать шрифты в необязательном компоненте, но вам не требуется просматривать веб-страницы, редактировать документы или использовать приложения на соответствующем языке, вы можете вручную установить необязательные компоненты шрифтов без изменения языковых параметров. If you want to use fonts in an optional feature but don’t need to search web pages, edit documents, or use apps in the associated language, you can install the optional font features manually without changing your language settings.

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В качестве примера ниже приведены шаги по установке шрифтов для иврита без добавления самого иврита в языковые параметры. For example, here are the steps to install the fonts associated with the Hebrew language without adding the Hebrew language itself to your language preferences:

Щелкните Пуск > Параметры. Click Start > Settings.

В разделе «Параметры» щелкните Приложения> Приложения и компоненты>Управление дополнительными компонентами. In Settings, click Apps, click Apps & features, and then click Manage optional features.

Если с списке установленных компонентов нет компонента Дополнительные шрифты для иврита, щелкните знак «плюс» (+), чтобы добавить компонент. If you don’t see Hebrew Supplemental Fonts in the list of installed features, click the plus sign (+) to add a feature.

Выберите Дополнительные шрифты для иврита из списка и нажмите Установить. Select Hebrew Supplemental Fonts in the list, and then click Install.

Примечание. Дополнительные функции устанавливаются в Обновлении Windows. Note:The optional features are installed by Windows Update. Для работы Центра обновления Windows требуется подключение к Интернету. You need to be online for the Windows Update service to work.

Fontsincluded in optional font features Fontsincluded in optional font features

Ниже приведен полный список семейств шрифтов в каждом необязательно компоненте. Here is a comprehensive list of the font families in each of the optional features. В некоторых семействах может быть несколько шрифтов с разной насыщенностью и стилем. Some font families might include multiple fonts for different weights and styles.


Come installare o rimuovere un tipo di carattere in Windows

Il tuo dispositivo Windows include una varietà di tipi di carattere ed è possibile scaricare altri utenti da Microsoft Store o da un sito Web o da un’altra fonte online. Ecco come vedere quali tipi di carattere sono già disponibili nel dispositivo e come aggiungere o rimuovere tipi di carattere.

Per vedere quali tipi di carattere sono disponibili nel dispositivo

Dopo aver aggiunto nuovi tipi di carattere, verranno visualizzati in questo elenco.

Per aggiungere un tipo di carattere da Microsoft Store

Selezionare avvia > Impostazioni > personalizzazione > tipi di carattere e quindi selezionare Ottieni altri tipi di carattere in Microsoft Store.

Selezionare il tipo di carattere da aggiungere e quindi fare clic su Acquista. Il tipo di carattere verrà scaricato e installato automaticamente.

Per aggiungere un tipo di carattere da un’origine online

Scaricare il file del carattere e verificare che il file sia di tipo vero (. ttf) o un file OpenType (con estensione OTF).

Fare clic con il pulsante destro del mouse sul file del tipo di carattere e quindi scegliere Installa.

Per eseguire l’installazione per tutti gli utenti di PC, selezionare Installa per tutti gli utenti (Windows 10, versione 1809 o successiva).

Se viene chiesto di consentire al programma di apportare modifiche al computer, verificare di avere attendibile l’origine del file scaricato e quindi selezionare Sì.

Per rimuovere un tipo di carattere

Selezionare avvia > Impostazioni > personalizzazione > tipi di carattere e quindi selezionare il tipo di carattere che si vuole rimuovere.

In metadatiselezionare Disinstalla.

Per scaricare i tipi di carattere supplementari per altre lingue

Selezionare avvia > Impostazioni > app > App & funzionalità e quindi selezionare funzionalità facoltative.

Non tutte le app supportano tipi di carattere personalizzati. Se il tipo di carattere non viene visualizzato in un’app o in un programma, provare a usare un’app diversa per verificare se il tipo di carattere è installato e funziona correttamente.

Per verificare se è stato installato un tipo di carattere, selezionare avvia > Impostazioni > personalizzazione > tipi di carattere e quindi cercare il tipo di carattere in tipi di carattere disponibili.


How to install fonts in Windows 10

Sometimes, the default fonts supplied in the latest version of Windows 10 just don’t cut it. Times New Roman and Arial fonts are timeless, but you might want something with a little more pizzazz.

There is a font for every taste, personality, and occasion, so you have plenty of options to obtain the perfect fonts for whatever mood or setting you want to convey. On the other hand, you are free to eliminate fonts that don’t suit your taste to make room for the ones you want to download. You can visit the Microsoft Store to explore the vast array of fonts available.

If you work exclusively with Adobe Photoshop, we have a guide for installing fonts on that platform, too.

How to install fonts through the Microsoft Store

You can always add fonts to your collection via the Microsoft Store. Here’s how.

Step 1: Open the Windows 10 Settings menu, click on Personalization, and then click on the Fonts tab.

You’ll then see a link to Get More Fonts in Microsoft Store. Click that, and then download your desired font, just as you would an app, to have it automatically install and appear in the Settings menu.

As an alternative, you can also manually download a font from a website of your choosing and install it. Steps 2 and 3 will discuss how to install fonts from outside the Microsoft Store.

Step 2: Once downloaded, the font may or may not be packed into a zip file. If it’s zipped, right-click on the file, select Extract All, and then follow the instructions to put the font into a folder of your choosing.

Step 3: After extracting the file (or accessing it at its download destination), right-click on the file and select Install. That’s it!

Note: You can install either TrueType (.ttf) or OpenType (.otf) font files.

How to install fonts using drag and drop

If you’d rather do things manually, you can use the old-school drag-and-drop method that requires two open windows.

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Step 1: Download your font as in the instructions above and extract it from its zip file if required.

Step 2: Navigate to the search box on the taskbar, type Control Panel, and click the corresponding result.

Step 3: With the Control Panel open, navigate to Appearance and Personalization, and click on Fonts in the main window.

Step 4: Once your font library loads, simply drag your new font from the destination location in File Explorer into the font window. A small progress bar will show up as it’s installed. Once complete, the font is ready to use.

Note: Windows 10 also lets you drag and drop your new font files to install them via the Settings menu. Just open the Settings menu, navigate to the Fonts section of the Personalization menu, and then drag your font files over to the dotted rectangle beneath Add Fonts.

How to delete fonts

You might end up with more fonts than you need, or you might want to get rid of a few fonts. Deleting them is simple.

Step 1: Pull up the Windows 10 search bar and type in Control Panel. Select the result.

Step 2: Select Appearance and Personalization, then select Fonts.

Step 3: Either scroll through the list until you find the font in question or search for it using your keyboard. Select it, then click Delete from the top bar menu. Or right-click the font and choose Delete from the resulting pop-up menu.

Step 4: The program will ask you to confirm. Select Yes, and the font will be erased from the system.


How to Install a Font on Windows 10

Found a great new font, but not sure how to install it? In this tutorial, we’ll walk through how to do just that—install a font onto your PC running Windows 10. In addition, we’ll look at how to uninstall a font, just in case you’d like to remove one from your list of installed fonts.

Follow along with us over on our Envato Tuts+ YouTube channel:

What You’ll Need

The following assets are used in this tutorial:

This is the font I’ll install in this example. You’re welcome to use this font with me. Otherwise, you’ll need a font of your choice—the only requirement is that it has not been installed on your computer just yet!

Here’s the font I’ll install in this tutorial—Modern Serif.

Now, let’s get down to business and install a new font.

1. How to Install a Font on Windows 10

Step 1

First, download your font.

In most cases, font files tend to be delivered in a compressed document, containing more than one file. A common file type for this is a ZIP file. Make sure to open this file up and extract the font files to your computer.

Below is an example. When, for example, I open a ZIP document, it’s like looking inside a folder.

All I need to do is select the contents and drag it to a location on my computer.

I chose to save and store my font files in a folder called «My Fonts» on my Desktop. Here’s what it looks like when my font files are extracted from the zip document and into a folder on my desktop.

Step 2

When it comes to fonts themselves, there are many different file types. I won’t dig deep into the details of that in this article, but here are two of the most common file types that you’ll likely see:

What’s the difference? If you’re looking for basic font usage, TTF or OTF would likely serve you just fine. If you’re a designer looking for extras, OTF might be a stronger choice as it can store additional options like ligatures, glyphs, and alternates that a TTF wouldn’t include.

Again, there are other font file types out there, but these are most likely the ones you’ll encounter.

Step 3

So, where do the fonts «go» on our computer, when we want to install them? Just having them in any old folder on your computer won’t install them.

On Windows 10, you’ll want to navigate to your C drive. Double-click to «go inside» and view its contents. Note, if your operating system (Windows) is installed on a different drive, go there instead. However, in most cases, this is assigned to the drive named «C».

Then, go to the Windows folder. Again, double-click to go inside this folder.

Inside the Windows folder, select the Fonts folder. We’re going to go inside this folder too.

Here’s what the Fonts folder looks like, once I’ve double-clicked to go inside it.

Tip: Not sure where you «are» on your computer? Check out the highlighted square, below. You’ll see that I’m currently viewing «Fonts» inside of Windows, on my C drive.

Step 4

Next, we’re going to take our font files and drag them into the Fonts folder.

Just select a font file, click and hold, and then drag it to the folder. When you do so, you’ll get visual confirmation that Windows is installing the font.

If there’s any concern or conflict, your computer will let you know. For example, if the font is already installed, it will ask you what you would like to do.

Step 5

And now, your font is installed! However, before we wrap up, let’s look at one additional way that we can install fonts. This way is even faster and even easier.

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Go to your font file and double-click it to open it. You’ll get a visual preview, and in the upper left-hand corner, you’ll see a button that says Install. Super easy, right?

When I’m installing a lot of fonts at once, I tend to prefer the first method—dragging multiple font files into my Fonts folder. However, for just one, single font, either method is just fine. Choose the one that’s most convenient for you!

2. How to Uninstall a Font on Windows 10

Step 1

Now, let’s uninstall a font that we don’t want on our computer anymore.

Before we do so, I’d like to recommend backing up your fonts.

I like to keep a copy of my font files, just in case. Keep in mind that licensing might limit your installations, but keeping a backup for your records is typically acceptable.

Remember the «My Fonts» folder I made earlier, on my Desktop? This isn’t my live fonts folder—having font files here doesn’t mean they’re installed. They’re just files on my desktop. However, I can store them here as a backup if I’d like to.

I can also select fonts from my Fonts folder (where they are installed)—and copy and paste them to another folder, to back them up. For example, here’s my backup folder with an extra font I copied from my Fonts folder (the font is Mattea!)

Step 2

Let’s go to the Fonts folder in our Windows folder. Again, to get there:

Remember this folder? We can browse through all the fonts installed here.

Step 3

Now, browse through the list of fonts and find the one that you want to uninstall. Again, I would suggest saving a backup of the font you uninstall, so you have it for your reference—in case you’d like to reinstall it sometime.

Right-click on the font you’d like to uninstall and select Delete.

Step 4

Next, we’re given a warning prompt. It asks us to confirm if we’d like to delete this font from our computer. Click yes if you’d like to, or click no if you’ve changed your mind.

And That’s How It’s Done!

Installing and uninstalling a font on Windows 10 only takes a couple of clicks. Hopefully, this tutorial has helped you figure out how to install fonts and uninstall fonts to your heart’s content.

Love fonts? Check out these tutorials for more how-tos and typographic inspiration.


How to install fonts that are missing after upgrading to Windows 10

When you upgrade from the Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1 operating system to Windows 10, certain fonts are no longer available by default post-upgrade. To reduce the operating system footprint, improve performance, and optimize disk space usage, we moved many of the fonts that were previously shipped with prior versions of Windows to the optional features of Windows 10. If you install a fresh instance of Windows 10, or upgrade an older version of Windows to Windows 10, these optional features are not enabled by default. As a result, these fonts appear to be missing from the system.

If you have documents created using the missing fonts, these documents might display differently on Windows 10.

For example, if you have an English (or French, German, or Spanish) version of Windows 10 installed, you might notice that fonts such as the following are appear to be missing:

If you want to use these fonts, you can enable the optional feature to add these back to your system. Be aware that this is a permanent change in behavior for Windows 10, and it will remain this way in future releases.

Installing language-associated features via language settings:

If you want to use the fonts from the optional feature and you know that you will want to view Web pages, edit documents, or use apps in the language associated with that feature, add that language into your user profile. You do this the Settings app.

For example, here are the steps to install the fonts associated with the Hebrew language:

Once you have added Hebrew to your language list, then the optional Hebrew font feature and other optional features for Hebrew language support are installed. This should only take a few minutes.

Note:В The optional features are installed by Windows Update. This means you need to be online for the Windows Update service to work.

Install optional fonts manually without changing language settings:

If you want to use fonts in an optional feature but don’t need to search web pages, edit documents, or use apps in the associated language, you can install the optional font features manually without changing your language settings.

For example, here are the steps to install the fonts associated with the Hebrew language without adding the Hebrew language itself to your language preferences:

Click Start > Settings.

In Settings, click Apps, click Apps & features, and then click Manage optional features.

If you don’t see Hebrew Supplemental Fonts in the list of installed features, click the plus sign (+) to add a feature.

Select Hebrew Supplemental Fonts in the list, and then click Install.

Note:В The optional features are installed by Windows Update. You need to be online for the Windows Update service to work.

FontsВ included in optional font features

Here is a comprehensive list of the font families in each of the optional features. Some font families might include multiple fonts for different weights and styles.


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